1) When should I consider tree removal?

You should consider tree removal if a tree is dead, dying, or dangerous. Other reasons to remove a tree may be if it is causing foundation damage, is too close to a power line, or is blocking a view. You may also need to remove a tree if it interferes with new construction.

2) What are some of the benefits of keeping or planting trees on my property?

Trees provide many benefits, including providing a barrier that protects the soil from erosion, reducing noise pollution, providing shade, and improving air quality. They can also beautify your property and increase its value, provide privacy, and reduce energy costs by providing natural cooling in the summer and windbreaks in the winter.

3) How do I know if the tree is dangerous?

A tree is considered dangerous if it has large dead branches, is leaning, has deep cracks or seams in the trunk, or has a root system that is lifting sidewalks or foundations. You can always contact a professional tree service company for an assessment if you're unsure whether a tree is dangerous.

4) Can I keep the firewood from trees you cut down?

In most cases, you can keep the firewood from the trees we remove. However, there are some exceptions. If the tree is diseased or infested with insects, the wood may not be safe to use. You should also check with your local municipality for relevant laws or regulations.

5) How much does tree removal cost?

The cost of your tree removal will vary depending on the size and type of the tree, the health or condition of the tree, and the urgency of the removal. In general, large trees are more expensive to remove than smaller trees. The tree removal cost will also be higher if you need the services urgently. Call us for a free estimate of your tree removal.